Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Bli med på laget!

Bli medlem av Slow Food og gje di stemme til god, rein og rettvis mat!
200 kr i året for deg under 30, og 450 for dei over.

Lets cook up a revolution


Slow Fish 2011

Slow Fish 2011

Small-scale fishers: A threatened species. That’s the common thread of this year’s edition of Slow Fish. Without ignoring the on-going depletion of our oceans and seas, attention will be focused on the people around the world who make their living from fishing, who serve as custodians of the sea and who carry with them an invaluable legacy of memory and traditional knowledge.

Once again the Slow Fish calendar is packed with events: guided tastings at the Taste Workshops, renowned chefs at the Theater of Taste, opportunities for reflection and debate with leading experts at the Water Workshops and the educational experiences Sea, Fish and Fishers and Markets, Menus and Cooks for the public and schools.

The event offers many participative ways to explore all the Slow Fish activities dedicated to the future of small-scale coastal fishing, looking at the difficult balance between safeguarding the income of fishers and protecting the marine resources on which their livelihood depends.

Slow Fish is an opportunity for retracing the story of artisanal fishing, learning how it works, what cultures it involves, its hardships and skills, as well as discovering how much small-scale fishing has changed today, how it relates to the world and how it has suffered from globalization, and hearing firsthand from the producers of the Presidia of the Sea and those exhibiting in the richly varied Market section.

Slow Fish vert arrangert i Genova, Italia 27-30 Mai 2011.
Les meir her

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Nei til GMO!


Slow Food er imot kommersiell planting av genmodifisert vekster (GMO) og promoterer GMO-fri mat. 
Slow Food president Carlo Petrini klargjer årsakane til kvifor Slow Food ikkje støtter GMO i skrivet 
10 Reasons to Say no to GMOs. 
Det kan du lese her

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Noregs fyrste heiløkologiske restaurant

Etter mange besøk på gardsbruk i Sande, Nes, Spydeberg og Hvaler, intensiv bruk av sosiale medier,
og kjøkensjef Esben Holmboe Bang og vinmeister Pontus Dahlstrøm i spissen, opna Maemo som
Noregs fyrste heiløkologiske restaurant.

Les om fantastiske smaksopplevelsar og bruk av råvarer i OsloPuls si anmelding av Maemo

Giftrestar i maten vår

Vanleg mat vert produsert med hjelp av sprøytemidler.Restane av slike middel vert igjen i maten me et.
No har EU valgt å høyna grensene for kor mykje giftrestar som kan godkjennast i matvarene. Norske
myndigheiter aksepterer dei nye grensene og seier det er heilt ufarleg.

Les meir på heimesida til Ren Mat